/ March 22, 2017

Spring Innovation Studios Are Here!

After the success of our first two Studios – at Parker-Varney and Pittsfield Elementary – we’re excited to announce we’re back with a new round of cutting edge learning environments that enable and foster personalization, competency-based progressions, demonstration of mastery, and learner voice, choice, and autonomy. We’ve listened to your feedback and shifted as necessary to make sure these Studios are as relevant and meaningful as possible for all New Hampshire educators. We’ve also extended the learning & design time at each Studio!

Spring 2017 learning opportunities are both focused on student agency at different levels. They are:

• MARCH 16th: Souhegan High School (12:45pm to 4:15pm)

• APRIL 4th: Maple Street Magnet Elementary School (12:45pm to 4:15pm)

We hope that these Innovation Studios will support deep connections with others and provide you with the chance to directly apply the learning within your specific context.

Ready to sign up? Click here to register!

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